Monday, July 20, 2009

How Far Can We Go and How High Can We Reach

Ada kata bijak seorang ahli, kulupa namanya. Ia bilang seperti ini “Kita bukannya kekurangan waktu karena kita masing-masing memiliki jumlah waktu yang sama dalam 1 hari yakni 24 Jam. Kekurangan yang paling menonjol dari kita adalah kita kehilangan arah, dan inilah yang membedakan kita dengan yang lainnya.

Membaca pendapat ini, saya teingat logo yang saya buat saat belajar Photoshop. Meski tak bagus sekali, rasanya ini relevan. Di logo ini anda akan dapati tulisan “ HOW HIGH CAN YOU REACH & HOW FAR CAN YOU GO?” . Dengan menjawab pertanyaan ini maka itu berarti kita bisa berkata pada diri dan semua orang bahwa beginilah saya. Dan bahwa sebegini tinggi dan jauhnya yang telah saya tempuh. Logo ini dengan demikian berfungsi sebagai trigger parameter.

Bila dihubungkan dengan pernyataaan diatas maka penentuan parameternya tentu membedakan arah, tinggi dan jauhnya kita berjalan. Semua akan sepakat bahwa lingkungan berpengaruh besar terhadap sebuah perkembangan. Namun pada akhirnya factor kuncinya kembali pada diri kita karena kita bisa menentukan untuk : stay atau out.

. semoga di setiap akhir tahun kita bisa tersenyum senang setelah kembali menelusuri HOW FAR CAN WE GO AND HOW HIGH CAN WE REACH .

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

BloGGing : Rationale behind blog creation

For me it is a new and strange idea. I know nothing about it. In my mind, this is displayed in internet, means that it will be lead by people all around the world.

The main reason for me to create this blog to day is that I want to express my mind in written form. Hope all you guys can help me in creating good display of blog view and can give input.

I also realize that I can dream of new friends. Friends are great blessing. Good friend will create better world.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mangaa mancuanaku … kanturuna Wolio

Saanguwa`tu kuuuncura te manga mancuana. Kurango manga pogauaka dalanaa a paembali manga aanana mia mo malape. Kanaraaka yinda a amembali kapauntona amalana.

Yinda imatauna manga ana-aana, yikoleata a manga maisi. A manga goraaka ta membali miaa. Manga kamuntuiaaka kaadari taaro dadi. Yinda yikatauta, bengkalana manga apatujuaka to bakuuta.

Yiina te aamata, a boke borokona mina yikandesaka mambaka. A popiro mina yi pareva makesa. A baanakea fikiri naile naepua ta malinguakea manga.

Kaasina mancanuata yinda tematena. Yi banguu kolena manga yiingkita mangaa aana-aana yiudaa-udanina.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

EngLIsH : TIPS Memperkaya Kosa kata bahasa Inggris

11Belajar bahasa Inggris butuh trik tersendiri. Salah satu yang dipersyaratkan adalah bagaimana kosa kata baru bisa lama tersimpan dalam memori kita. Kata orang-orang pintar neh,. salah satu yang bisa melekat lama diingatan kita dan dengan mudah kembali diuraikan saat dibutuhkan yakni hal yang secara rutin kita lakukan.

Nah berdasarkan hal ini kita bias mulai mencari padanan kata dalam bahasa inggris atas aktivitas yang lazim kita lakukan. You must try thinking like a native speaker and that makes you different.

Umumnya kemasan produk yang target pasarnya juga bule, menyertakan cara penyajian dalam bahas Inggris. Berikut bahasa inggris dan indonesianya yang dikutip dari MIGELAS;

1. put MIGELAS into a mug or glass, add seasoning
2. Pour hot water
3. Stir, leave it for 2 minutes
4. MIGELAS ready to serve
5. Enjoy the noodles
6. Finish the warm soup

Tambahan kosa kata : Finish your milk = habiskan susunya; To create a stir = mencipatkan kegemparan;

Untuk lebih memperluas cakupan kosa kata kita juga bias mencari padanan atas bahan-bahannya. Sebagai berikut

Composition : Wheat flour = tepung terigu ; vegetable oil = minyak nabati; salt = garam;

Seasoning composition (Komposisi bumbu) ; flavor enhancer = penguat rasa; sugar = gula, Onion Powder = bubuk bawang merah; garlic powder = bubuk bawang putih; Peper powder = bubuk lada; Onion oil = minyak bawang; Dried vegetable = sayuran kering ; carrot = wortle; daun bawang = leek;

Chili sauce ; Saos cabe ; spices = rempah-rempah; thickener = pengental; preservative = pengawet

Selamat mencoba…

Monday, July 6, 2009

Watch your words

My anger control me
The anger has developed nasty word
It is an attack
More brutal in the expression of
Damn you
Fuck you

Anger comes from hate
To you who just talking without action
To cynical words comes out from mouth of those who claimed as dignity people

Is it difficult for mutual benefit sharing?
Are we too chinchy for saying something wonderful to hear?

Is it the culture we are proud of?
That discouraging words is the only words we have
That mockery is the beautiful tie we love

It is true
The mouth is yours
But just direct it to your own ear
Let your heart judges it first
Before it is heard by others

Words is countless
Only better word that can create great world

Friday, July 3, 2009

Stand Up buddy

You are sitting there
Talking to just your self
So slowly such that it seems to me as murmuring

Is it a curse?
For you are left alone in a deep sorrow
For Now you are with nobody

Is it a praying?
To your God
To Their God
So that those share sincerely their care

Stand up
We are here for you to rely on
World is not their belonging
It’s ours
World waits for you and me
To paint it with beautiful picture

Blue feeling

I am awake in the lonely midnight
No body here..
This is painful

It is hard to close eyes
In the night whom no body to share
Voices in my head keep me awake

Remembering you is a remedy
You my darling in the far island

To night
I pray for us
For happiness in our true love

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Culture ; Wolio... Buton

Location : Lambusango, Bau-bau, South East Sulawesi
This is a part of ` Posuo` ceremony.

EngLISh : Kosa kata dalam process rancangan undang-undang

House representative is a legislative body. It is constituted of various factions. The passage ( penerimaan ) of the bill (Rancangan undang-undang) is something that is frequently bickered over. The process takes long journey : the assignment of special committee to make draft law (naskah/konsep/draft). After the passage, the bill will be ratified (disahkan/ratifikasi). The bill made up of 18 chapters (bab) and 40 article (pasal). In this way it is hoped that the bill will not be in conflict with (bertentangan dengan) constituent (undang-undang).Why should there is a passage of a bill? A bill is a reaction to the existed problem. In relating to the foreign investment affairs, the purpose of the bill are :
  • to hamper (menghambat(progress, merintangi) the entry of new investor
  • to dismiss the idea (menolak ide)
  • It is also aimed to accelerate (mempercepat) economic growth and preserve (mempertahankan/awet) a favorable investment climate.
Law is just the same as tools used as reference to settle (menyelesaikan) when dispute (pertikaian) occurred. Good reference is when;
a. it is not a hastily (dengan tergesa-gesa/buru-buru) made decision
b. it is not just based on the lure (pemikat/pesona????) of the investor. It is not wonder that the passage of the bill is followed by the social upheaval (pergolakan).

Stress in Routines

What are you? Are you a student or an employee? What ever you are, you must be ever confronted by routines. An employee, for example, will be faced by the fact of work pressure. Furthermore, the boss practices up to bottom management. It resembles exploring the jungle where every body has to fight for their own survival.

Stress is the consequence that waits. Watch your step. Are you a person in this situation?
There must be remedy for this. Will your surrounding take you out of your box?

People are too busy for their own interest. Be creative for fun searching. Being a Volunteer in an events hold by your company is a near place for escaping from your routine.

Others alternative is having unique hobby. Blogging will be a space for you who love documentation. It is also training for shaping your style. Do not let your stress or disappointment distract you. Have your energy for self improvement.

Please leave comment. I`ll Reply it soon

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