Journey of thousand miles begin with single step. That is what is
written in one pages of coaching material at one basic management training
program I joined. Truly, this is happening in our life. The first step will be
continued by countless next steps. When we wake up in the morning and get out
of our bed, I think that’s our first step.
Then, the question is what that single step
about? One unbelievable fact described in training session is that single step we
make so far is just an ordinary one, only a body movement. Can you believe it
that not all people know specifically what they want to do in a daily life, the
next one month, one year or in other time unit. Even though owned, it is
manifested in general or broadest statement. It is a true fact I guess, and we
could be in one of this two categories.

Now it is the right moment, Self-transformation
should be made. Put in mind the idea consistently. One way that can be adopted
is own Idea visualization. At least through idea visualization, we have set up
clear direction and goal we would like to achieve. This in turn will move our first step and the
following steps on excellent path.
The following pictures depict
simulation done by coaching attendee of basic management program. Each group is
asked to clip picture from the provided magazine. The pictures represent
condition they want to be in the coming days. See how confident they are in
showing their dream, right?
In this simulation, my list of
idea visualization which is then manifested in clipped picture is:
- Being
a professional photographer in the next 1.5 year
- Having blog like the one owned by professional
blogger for the next one year
- Own
car for the next 4 year
- Being
healthy for all the coming days
Pic : by Mrs. Duma (PPM trainer)
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